What does lisp, bedwetting and attention/behaviour problems have in common?

Bed-wetting, lisps and behaviour problems: These are all signs of airway dysfunction. They may occur together in the same person or a person may only experience one or two...

Signs of Breathing Problems #1: Is Your Child’s Mouth Open?

In this short series of articles, I’ll show you some of the signs of breathing problems that I look for in children. I’m not a respiratory physician, but...

My Journey With Dysfunctional Breathing

In my teen years I developed allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion and asthma. Several years later I became aware of a tightness in my chest, breathlessness and an overexcitability...

Allergies and Nasal Congestion: Not Something to Sneeze At

-          Stuffy nose? -          Line across the nose? -          Rubbing eyes or nose often? -          Hyponasal-sounding speech? -          Dark rings under the eyes? These are all signs of allergy. Parents may dismiss this...

The Speechberg – Unveiling the Speech Problem

Do you ever feel like you're going round and round in circles when it comes to treating your health or speech problem? Has it occurred to you that...

When a lisp is not just a lisp

A lisp is often a red flag for a deeper problem. Find out how Orofacial Myology can help with proper diagnosis and treatment of this common articulation problem. In...

The sound disorder your child is most likely to have: phonological...

Phonological disorder: the most common of speech disorders in young children, and yet perhaps the least understood by the common person. Let's look at what it is and...

My Child has a Lisp: Rapid-fire Q and A

What is a lisp? A lisp is a lay term for a problem with the “s” and “z” sounds. What are the different types of lisps? Type 1: Interdental lisp...

Eye Contact: More Than Meets the Eye

Using eye contact is a fundamental part of communication at all ages. Let's consider benefits, barriers and tips for good eye contact. Notice what it’s like when you don’t...

Using Fights to Teach Children about Emotions

Fights may undermine the harmony in our homes, but they also provide invaluable opportunities to teach our children about their own and others' emotions. It’s nearly bedtime and I...

Involving Family at Christmas Time

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin Apparently it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But for...

Brain Plasticity and Speech Pathology

Neural (or brain) plasticity is the ability of the brain to change or adapt. This occurs in response to the environment, experience, behaviour, disease or injury. We can...